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Congresswoman Clarke’s Statement on Continued Delay for DAPA and Expanded DACA

November 10, 2015

Congresswoman Clarke’s Statement on Continued Delay for DAPA and Expanded DACA

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on the decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to continue delaying implementation of Deferred…
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November 9, 2015

US congresswoman to visit Ja

“WASHINGTON DC, United States (JIS)— United States Congresswoman Yvette Clarke will be in Montego Bay, Jamaica, on an official three-day visit from November 13 to 15.”…
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November 6, 2015

Mobile Market of Free Fresh Produce Launches in Crown Heights

“New York City Councilmember Laurie Cumbo, along with NYS Assembly Member Diana Richardson, Rep. Yvette Clarke, State Senator Jesse Hamilton and other elected officials,…
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November 6, 2015

Congressional Black Caucus talks financial inequalities for Blacks

“Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Joint Economic Committee Democrats held a public forum Friday afternoon at the Harlem Hospital Center on the economic inequalities…
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November 6, 2015

Clarke Celebrates October Jobs Report

“Flatbush Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke today lauded the October Jobs Report from the Department of Labor, which announced that the economy added 271,000 jobs and the unemployment…
Read More (Clarke Celebrates October Jobs Report)

November 3, 2015

Despite Apologies for ‘No Haitians’ Ad, Many Calling for Action

“A recent job ad in a suburban New York paper called for nurses — but made it a point to let Haitian nationals and descendants know they need not apply, angering an entire…
Read More (Despite Apologies for ‘No Haitians’ Ad, Many Calling for Action)