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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on the Swearing-In of New Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement regarding the swearing-in of Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller:

“I congratulate Portia Simpson Miller on becoming the Prime Minister of Jamaica.  We should celebrate this historic day, as she becomes the first woman Prime Minister to be elected twice as the leader of Jamaica.  I urge the Peoples National Party (PNP), the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and the people of Jamaica to move towards a fair, just, and peaceful transition.  As a daughter of the Caribbean and a woman of Jamaican descent, I will continue to work with all the stakeholders in the Caribbean Diaspora to strengthen and bolster relations between Jamaica, the entire Caribbean region and the United States of America. Again, congratulations to Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.”
