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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on the Passage of the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement regarding the passage of the two month extension of the Payroll Tax Cut: 

 “Today, the voices of the American people resounded in the halls of Congress: loud and clear.  The middle class called for the extension of the payroll tax cut and cooler heads prevailed, with Congress passing a two month extension of the tax cut.  I am thankful to President Barack Obama for standing firm with the American people in calling for House Republicans to pass the bi-partisan Senate agreement that will give 160 million Americans a tax cut, 2.2 million Americans access to unemployment benefits and 48 million seniors on Medicare access to their doctors.  As we move forward to work out a long term extension of the Payroll Tax Cut, I call on my Republican colleagues to put their political agendas aside and focus on what is right for the American people.”

