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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on Republicans Not Voting to Extend the Payroll Tax Cut Extension



Washington, D.C. – Today, by a vote of 229-193, the House Republicans voted against extending the Payroll Tax Cut Extension.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement: 


“What we have witnessed today is the Republican leadership in the House allowing the ‘Tea Party’ ideology to put hard working middle class citizens at an economic disadvantage.  Time and time again we have seen the Republican Party defend that tax cuts for the super wealthy in this nation and continuously turn their back on tax cuts for those who need it the most… the 99 percent.  This is simply unacceptable!” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.  “The fact is, instead of passing this common-sense legislation which would have bought time for a comprehensive full year extension of the payroll tax cut to be negotiated, the GOP-led House would not allow a vote.” 


Without an agreement to extend the Payroll Tax Cut for the middle class in 11 days;


·         160 million American will face a tax hike, averaging $1,000 for the typical family,

·         2.2 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits, and

·         48 million seniors could lose access to their doctors. 


“Too many families’ lives are at stake and the dysfunction caused by the obstructionist ‘Tea Party’ Republicans, must stop now.  I hope that when it’s time to let tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires expire that Republicans will show the same callous disregard they have shown our nation’s struggling middle class.  Let’s set these destructive political games aside and give tax cuts to the middle class,” concluded Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.  

