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The Seniors Protection Act Fails to Pass the House

Republicans Block Measure that Provides the One Time Payment of $250 for Seniors

Today, Representative Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement after House Republicans blocked H.R. 5987, the Seniors Protection Act:

“The Seniors Protection Act is a bill that would have provided seniors, veterans, railroad retirees and people with disabilities a onetime payment of $250 to help them get through these tough economic times. This payment is needed because 2011 will be the second consecutive year where there will be no Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) for those who depend on social security benefits.

“This payment would have helped these vulnerable men and women make it through the coming months. The men and women who depend on social security, to make ends meet, are some of society’s most forgotten people. These Americans earn an average of $24,000 a year, making this one time only payment of $250 that much more important.

“While our country continues to crawl out of this disastrous economy, we must continue to look after those who are most likely to be forgotten. We cannot leave our retirees to fall by the wayside as our Republican colleagues have done today. As we enter into the new Congress, I will continue to fight on behalf of those Americans who depend on these benefits.”

