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The DREAM Act Passes the House of Representatives

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement after the House passed the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minor (DREAM) Act:

“Today marks a great victory for the 11th Congressional District of New York and the rest of this nation. The DREAM Act provides a solution for immigrant students, whose lives are jeopardized by our broken immigration system. I have witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects that the immigration limbo has on these students, families and the community. This legislation allows us, as a nation to maintain America’s humanity in addressing the issue of children who were brought to this country as illegal immigrants and who are now students.

“Despite the naysayers and change in political climate, the passage of this legislation marks a significant step forward in enacting true Comprehensive Immigration Reform. I look forward to the president signing this legislation into law. Let us never forget that when we turn our back on those who come to these shores to become Americans to help build our great nation and to embrace the American Dream, we are turning our backs on ourselves.
