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Republicans Block Critical 9/11 Health Bill


Clarke Says Republicans Must Put Politics Aside for the Sake of 9/11 Survivors

(Washington D.C.) – Yesterday, H.R. 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, was blocked from passage in the House of Representatives by House Republicans. This legislation would provide medical monitoring and treatment to the World Trade Center first responders and survivors who were exposed to toxins at Ground Zero.

“It is unfortunate that House Republicans decided to vote against legislation that would help the families and heroes of 9/11 get the services they need to continue their healing process,” said Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. “Our first responders and 9/11 survivors deserve better than this blatant partisan grandstanding.”

The vote of 255 to 159 fell short of the 2/3 needed for passage under suspension of the rules; 155 Republicans voted against the legislation.

Rep. Clarke cosponsored the legislation, which would:

•provide medical monitoring and treatment to WTC responders and survivors (area workers, residents, students) who were exposed to the toxins at Ground Zero;

•build on the existing monitoring and treatment program by delivering expert medical treatment for these unique exposures at Centers of Excellence;

•reopen the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) to provide compensation for economic losses and harm as an alternative to the current litigation system; and

•provide liability protections for the WTC Contractors and the City of New York.


“It is unfortunate that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have chosen partisan politics over the heroes of 9/11. The survivors of 9/11 have sacrificed enough for our nation, and I will continue to fight for them to access adequate health care,” concluded Rep. Clarke.
