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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Statement On The Iraq Accountability Act

U.S. Representative Yvette D. Clarke (NY-11), made the following statement after an affirmative vote endorsing the Iraq Accountability Act (HR 1591).

“There is no legislation that can erase the damage that has been done by this Administration.  The ever illusive weapons of mass destruction, their failure to capture Osama bin Laden and the ongoing lack of accountability are just a few of the incompetencies that led us to where we are today.

As you know, from the onset I have been against this illegal war and have made known my desire to redeploy our troops and bring them home.  My opposition to the war is immutable.  At the same time, my support of our brave women and men in the military is equally as unwavering. 

The Iraq Accountability Act is a viable first step toward ending the war.  This bill ensures that the members of our armed forces in the field have the resources they require.  It also directs more resources toward the real war against terrorism, the war against al-Queda and the Taliban in Afghanistan.  And finally, the bill includes benchmarks and sets a realistic timeline for ending U.S. participation in Iraq’s civil war.

My affirmative vote endorsing the Iraq Accountability Act is a vote to support our troops on the ground as we move toward bringing them home.”