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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on the Short Term Continuing Resolution

Washington, DC- Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the short term continuing resolution with a vote of 335 to 91 funding the government until March 18.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement expressing her opposition to this piece of legislation:

“The Republican lead Congress is doing these cuts in a vacuum.  There hasn’t been a high level of conversation about the budget in its entirety.  It seems as though that the path of least resistance is to cut programs in the government that help our most vulnerable populations as opposed to addressing the cuts in the more substantive areas of the budget that would drastically help to reduce our deficit.  For that reason I voted “no” on the short term continuing resolution.

“It is unfortunate that the long-term solution that is before the Senate threatens the education for our children, eliminates some very important services to disadvantage communities, and cuts jobs.  It is time for us to focus on a long-term solution that will not only cut the deficit but help our nation out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.”
