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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on President Obama’s Jobs Speech

Washington, D.C. – Today, President Barack Obama convened a Joint Session of Congress to unveil his jobs plan.  Congresswoman Clarke released the following statement regarding the speech:

“Today, President Barack Obama presented his jobs plan to Congress.  While this is a great start to address job creation in this nation, we will need more initiatives, policies, and legislation to effectively and efficiently create jobs.  I also know that the President can’t do this by himself.  I hope that my Republican colleagues will put aside their combative attitude towards our President and do what’s right by the American people.  

“The truth of the matter is people are relying on Congress to take immediate action.  While the unemployment rate sits at 9.1 percent nationally, it is at 16.7 percent in the African American community, which is absolutely unacceptable.  That is why I joined my Congressional Black Caucus in presenting key recommendations to include creating jobs to the Obama Administration. 

“It is important that the President take a targeted approach for communities of color, particularly those who are concentrated in rural and urban areas of the country. I also encourage the President to using the power of the pen and push job initiatives using executive order.  As a Member of the House Small Business Committee, I would call on the Administration to identify tax credits and incentives for women and minority small and medium sized businesses who tend to hire in communities of color.

“Moving forward, it is clear that the American people want Congress to focus on job creation.  Know that I will continue to work with my Congressional colleagues as well as the White House to push jobs legislation to help get people back to work in this nation.”
