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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on New York Legalizing Gay Marriage

Brooklyn, NY- Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on New York State passing legislation to legalize gay marriage:

“Today New York became the sixth state in the United States to legalize gay marriage. I want to congratulate the LGBT community for continuing their fight for marriage rights and achieving this goal. The Stonewall Uprising here in New York City marked the beginning of the gay rights movement in America. It is more than fitting that New York, the birthplace of the gay rights movement, finally has extended the right to marry to all of its citizens. This is long overdue.

“Through rigorous negotiations, this legislation also includes a religious exemption that does not require religious institutions to marry same sex couples. This allows religious institutions to abide by their religious beliefs and obligations. Again, this legislation marks a historic moment in New York politics. I will continue to fight on the federal level for both equal access to marriage and the workplace for all Americans.”
