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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on Mayor Cory Booker Rescuing Neighbor from Burning House


Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement recognizing Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker for rescuing a neighbor from a burning house:

“I would like to commend Mayor Cory Booker for his act of heroism on the evening of April 12th.  Upon returning home from work Mayor Booker noticed a nearby home on fire.  After hearing the cries of a trapped woman Mayor Booker, ignoring the risk of personal injury, ran into the flaming building where he was able to rescue the woman.  I pray for a speedy and full recovery for the woman who was rescued.


“Mayor Booker’s action is an example of a consummate professional and truly dedicated public servant, who does not check his commitment to his neighbors at the office, but is rather willing to put his life on the line with this demonstrative selflessness that has defined Mayor Booker’s career.  Mayor Booker’s dedication to his community is admirable, and I look forward to his continued service in making his city and by extension, our nation a better place.”

