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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement Celebrating the Memorial Day Holiday

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Yvette D. Clarke issued the following statement in celebration of the Memorial Day Holiday:

“On Memorial Day, we take time to recognize all of the men and women who have sacrificed their lives in battle to protect our nation and the values we hold dear.  There are more than 950,000 veterans in New York and these brave men and women in our armed forces, and their families deserve the utmost respect for the sacrifices.  This Memorial Day, I encourage all residents to take the time to remember those who have given so much for this nation. 

“Let us not forget those who currently serve in Iraq, Afghanistan and all around the world.  I look forward to a day when all our troops can return home.  That is why I supported the McGovern/Jones ‘Push for Real Withdrawal Plan’ considered in the Defense Authorization bill this week.  These brave individuals truly represent some of the best our nation has to offer and the courage they exemplify will not go unrecognized.”
