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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Participates in Women’s Forum in Trinidad and Tobago

This week, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke will participate in the Caribbean Regional Colloquium in Trinidad and Tobago.  This conference brings together global stakeholders to explore the role women play in our society as well as how we can develop strong policies to address women’s issues across the Caribbean. She released the following statement:

“As the only black woman serving in the Congressional Delegation in New York and a woman of Caribbean descent, it is an honor to be a part of the Caribbean Regional Colloquium.  It is fitting that this conference takes place in Trinidad and Tobago since they have elected their first woman Prime Minister, Kamla Persad Bissessar.  Women have been making significant strides for our world for centuries now.  These forums, roundtables, and panels allow global stakeholders to examine ways we can improve policy that helps women around the world.  Women have been known to be great and effective leaders and I look forward to hearing the many solutions, initiatives and policies that will help develop strong women leaders within the Caribbean.”
