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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Meets With President of Haiti

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, joined members of the Congressional Black Caucus International Relations Task Force in hosting a meeting with the Honorable Rene Preval, the President of Haiti.  This was President Preval’s first visit to Washington where he met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.  During this visit he also met with President Bush and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.


“The meeting was quite productive,” commented Rep. Clarke.  “Our conversation mirrored conversations that I continue to have with my constituents in central Brooklyn.  Haiti’s development needs and burdening debt has rendered this country immobile.  I strongly support legislation calling for the cancellation of Haiti’s debt so that the wonderful people there have a chance to obtain many of the things we in America take for granted.”  Rep. Clarke has also invited President Preval to visit New York’s Eleventh District, home to one of the largest Haitian American communities in the United States.


Rep. Clarke is scheduled to join President Preval to meet with other dignitaries at the Organization of American States (OAS) to further discuss opportunities for Haiti, including a trade and investment forum to be held in Haiti sponsored by OAS later this year.




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