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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Fights for Better Solutions for NYC Schools

Brooklyn, NY – This week, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke sent a letter to New York City Schools Chancellor Cathleen Black expressing her opposition to the closing and phasing out of 25 schools in New York City.  Rep. Clarke called on the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to reinvest and restore the public schools in Brooklyn and across New York City.

“It is clear that all of us, parents, students, elected officials, education stakeholders and community leaders are concerned about the performance levels of the schools in our community.  However, this is a perfect opportunity to address the root of the issues that surround our school system as opposed to shutting them down,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.  “Year after year, our communities deal with the same issues surrounding our schools’ performance and year after year the DOE’s solution is to close our schools.  Let’s work on rebuilding our school system and address the real problems so that our children can excel academically.”

Schools that will be closed and phased out in Brooklyn include:

            • Paul Robeson High School 
            • M.S. 571;
            • P.S. 260 Breuckelen;
            • P.S. 114 Ryder Elementary;
            • P.S. 332 Charles H. Houston; and
            • Metropolitan Corporate Academy High School.

Click here to see the letter Rep. Clarke sent to NYC Chancellor Black.
