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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Denounces Potential Threats Regarding Tea Party Statement




 Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s congressional office and district office received many telephone calls, some of which were potentially threatening, about her comments on the Tea Party and the hostile political environment in Washington, DC.  As a result, Capitol Police were notified.


“While I respect the views of the American people, our office takes any threat seriously. We don’t underestimate any potential threat,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.  


Recently, the posted up a clip of Congresswoman Clarke addressing the Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform in April 2012 about the hostile political climate in Washington, DC.  The edited sections were taken out of context and used to incite a negative response to Congresswoman Clarke.


“Unfortunately these actions demonstrate the volatile political environment of 2012.  Within my remarks, I was referring to the effectiveness of how the Tea Party organized and made their voices heard.  I also discussed how some members of the Tea Party spat on certain members of congress and made racial and bigoted remarks.  These actions were indeed seen as ‘crazy’ to many people and they showed the ‘ugliest side of the United States of America.’  While I do not believe all Tea Party members subscribe to the thinking that resulted in these incidents, the bad actions of a few affected the reputation of the organization,” added U.S. Rep. Yvette D. Clarke.


“Know that I find it extremely disappointing that my words were edited and removed from context.  I stand by my statement and I will not be intimidated by those who use fear to make their point known. While I appreciate the calls from individuals who respectfully disagree with my remarks, we all have a responsibility to ensure that we change the dangerous discourse that can come from this hostile political environment,” concluded Congresswoman Clarke.


Click on Part 1, Part 2  and Part 3 to access Rep. Clarke remarks made at the Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform meeting.

