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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Commemorates Women’s History Month

Washington, DC- Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement recognizing the month of March as National Women’s History Month:

    “Today, it is with great pride that I join the rest of the nation in recognizing March as
     National Women’s History Month.  It is important that we continue to acknowledge the    
     many economic, political, cultural, and social achievements of women.

    Women of every race, ethnicity, social class, and background have for centuries made many
    substantial – and often unrecognized – contributions to the development of our society.  
    Women in this nation have time and again shown their collaborative strength and resilience as
    they have fought for and obtained suffrage, equal pay, workplaces free of harassment, and 
    equal opportunity. 

    As a beneficiary of the women leaders that have come before me, I understand the 
    importance of never forgetting those who paved the way for all of us.  Women like Susan B.
    Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Marian Wright Edelman, the Honorable Shirley Chisholm, 
    and many other phenomenal women, known and unknown, made it possible for me to 
    ultimately achieve the honor of being elected to U.S. Congress. 

    I believe that as we recognize the great achievements for women in the past, we must also 
    recognize that there are still areas where women need to continue to fight for women’s rights
    as we move forward.  As we all know, in H.R. 1, the government’s budget spending bill that 
    recently passed the House of Representatives, there is a provision that would eliminate 
    federal funding for Title X programs.  This would adversely impact Planned Parenthood, an
    organization that  helps women in underserved communities gain access to healthcare which 
    include lifesaving cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, HIV testing and treatment, 
    birth control, and annual exams. 

    With the topic of access to healthcare for women becoming such a divisive subject in our 
    nation, it is clear that it will be up to this generation and the next to defeat those who will stop
    at nothing to impose their views on others and those who would show a reckless disregard 
    to the rights of others in their pursuit to abolish women’s rights.

    In order to holistically celebrate women’s history month, we must remember those who came
    before us as well as help to ensure that women’s rights are protected in the future.  I 
    encourage all Americans to recognize and celebrate women’s historic achievements by 
    commemorating National Women’s History Month.  Also, let’s use this opportunity to 
    recognize and honor the important women within our own families and communities.”
