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Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) was appointed to be a Senior Whip by House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-SC).  As a Senior Whip, Rep. Clarke will be part of a select and diverse group of Democratic House members responsible for helping to formulate and advance a legislative agenda that meets the needs of the American people.

In graciously accepting her new appointment Rep. Clarke said, “I am honored to be appointed to such an important leadership position in the Democratic Caucus.  I will work diligently with Majority Whip Clyburn in coordinating ideas, mobilizing the party vote to build support within the caucus for the Democratic agenda. I want to thank Majority Whip Clyburn for believing in my leadership abilities, and I am looking forward to working with him and all of my colleagues.”
“In her first term in Congress, Rep. Clarke demonstrated leadership and an ability to work with other lawmakers to get things done,” said Rep. Clyburn.  “I will rely on her leadership and input as we work together on legislation to strengthen the economy and put Americans back to work.”
Rep. Clarke continued, “millions of Americans still live below the poverty line. Millions more struggle each month to pay for basic necessities, and the moral imperative to eliminate the systemic economic disparities have existed for generations now. It is critical, now more than ever, to focus on creating more jobs, making health care more affordable and to work to ensure that all workers regardless of age, race or gender receive equal pay. In a world of increasing global competition, we must make certain that at the very least every family is provided with the basics— a safe home and food to eat, if not we will needlessly lose our most valuable asset as a country—our people.”
Clarke was also recently appointed Chairwoman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity and Science and Technology for the 111th Congress.  She also serves as the Whip for the Congressional Black Caucus. This is her second term in Congress. 