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Rep. Clarke’s Statement on the Sentencing of Faisal Shahzad

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released a statement regarding the sentencing of Faisal Shahzad, who attempted to detonate a car bomb in Times Square on May 1, 2010:

“I would like to take this time to once again recognize the quick and coordinated response that led to the arrest of Faisal Shahzad on May 1st. His sentencing today marks the end to a potential terrorist incident that was fortunately thwarted by vigilant New Yorkers. I am thankful to the observant citizens, Lance Orton and Duane Jackson, who first reported the suspicious activity as well as our local first responders and federal authorities, who swiftly investigated the incident. Last May, I supported the passage of H. Res. 1320, which honored these two individuals for their vigilance.”

Rep. Clarke added, “Last May’s incident highlighted the importance of ensuring that our first responders have the tools they need to handle imminent threats to our national security. This is why I, along with Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, have worked to secure funding for the ‘Securing the Cities’ Program. This program provides a unified strategy for defending against radiological and nuclear threats.”

“I have also worked with my Congressional colleagues to successfully pass H.R. 4842, the Homeland Security Science and Technology Authorization Act of 2010 in the House. This legislation authorizes important management functions and programs within the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate. Currently, this legislation is in the Senate, where it awaits further action,” stated Rep. Yvette D. Clarke.

Congresswoman Clarke also acknowledged the ongoing threat of terrorism in New York. “Although Shahzad’s arrest and sentencing are promising signs in the fight against terrorism, we must continue to remain vigilant and report suspicious activity whenever necessary. We know we live in a dangerous world with ever-evolving threats. That is why I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to bolster Homeland Security.”
