Rep. Clarke’s Statement Celebrating Labor Day
Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke issued the following statement in honor of Labor Day which will be celebrated on Monday, September 6, 2010:
“For over 120 years we, as a country, have honored the men and women who have built this nation into the great society it is today. It is through these hard- working men and women that nation is one of the most prosperous in the world. Even through a tough job market, a housing crisis and hard economic times, honoring working Americans is vital to preserving the American Dream.
“As a beneficiary of the labor movement, I have seen how our labor unions have been a vital asset to the community. On this Labor Day, we recognize their role in the community and honor all the hard working men and women who contribute to our central economy throughout these hard times. Know that I will be fighting with my democratic colleagues to ensure that we continue to help this economy grow, treat our workers fairly and move this nation forward.”