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Rep. Clarke Statement on Trump Attack on Diversity Visa Lottery

WASHINGTON, DC—Today Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke, issued the following statement following the Trump administration’s announcement that they would terminate the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.

“It is truly a disgrace that Donald Trump has within hours of the NYC terrorist attack on Halloween, chosen to politicize this truly tragic event to pursue his racist and xenophobic agenda. Instead of using his authority to bring the nation together, to rally our country to stand united in our resolve to fight terrorism, he has chosen to assume his position as ‘divider in chief’, using fear to drive Americans further apart. Instead he has ascribed blame to New York’s Senior Senator and attacked a program that is emblematic of what makes America exceptional, it’s diversity. The diversity visa lottery program was designed to ensure that the United States remains a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-faith nation for the benefit of us all. The program has provided opportunity to immigrants who have historically been discriminated against in their pursuit of the American Dream, due in large part to immigration laws that prohibited their participation. I have been a vocal advocate for the Diversity Visa Lottery since my earliest days in Congress and will continue to fight for its protection.”
