Rep. Clarke Statement on World AIDS Day
“In honor of World AIDS Day 2007 I encourage every member of our global society to pause and reflect on the challenges we’ve overcome and successes we are aiming for as we forge ahead in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
According to the Global Health Council, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has claimed more than 23 million lives. Currently there are 40 million people living with this disease. Advocacy and funding initiatives are focused on expanding the much needed access to treatment and care. At the same time I’d like to encourage each of us to work proactively in the area of prevention. This year’s theme of ‘Keep the Promise – Leadership,’ is an invitation for all to play a role in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.
As a member of the 110th Congress I am proud to say that part of our commitment toward a ‘New Direction,’ includes $4.5 billion for global AIDS initiatives. Congress will soon consider legislation to reauthorize the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This reauthorization is a wonderful opportunity to stand with our brothers and sisters in other nations in the collective effort to fight this deadly disease.”
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