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February 7, 2024



c: 202.913.0126

Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) issued the following statement on her opposition to Speaker Johnson’s Israel-only supplemental vote:

“I stand with President Biden and House Democratic Leadership in the belief that America’s national security interests, and those of our close allies, should never be subject to partisan political games. We must put aside these petty differences and reassert ourselves on the world stage as a nation that does not hesitate to fight against evil and protect those seeking freedom, independence, and self-determination. That’s why I voted in opposition to H.R. 7217. It is my hope that Speaker Johnson will finally come to his senses and work with Democrats to find common sense, comprehensive, and bipartisan solutions to our national security priorities.

“Instead of serving the interests of our national security, this legislation stands as a cynical ploy that will only worsen the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and benefits terror groups like Hamas, who look to capitalize off of the unfolding chaos. We cannot justifiably ignore the plight of the Palestinian people caught in the middle of a warzone, many of whom are women and children. Furthermore, this legislation would only serve as a direct signal to Vladimir Putin that Ukraine would be left to fend for itself, potentially emboldening his forces in his war of aggression against Ukraine while undermining the strength of our nation’s reach across the globe.

“At times, many conflicts around the world can seem far away and unrelated to our nation’s future and national security. But we cannot ignore the ills of the world, for these injustices will continue to grow until they spill over onto our shores. Many communities across the country, including those I serve in Brooklyn, represent the unique, diverse American mosaic that makes our nation great. As a senior Member of the House Homeland Security Committee, I am well aware of the reverberating effect international conflict and terror can have on our communities here at home, particularly with the spread of violent extremist ideologies online and their ability to motivate supporters to conduct attacks in the Homeland.

“It is time for this Congress to work with the Biden Administration, use our collective power and influence to hasten an end to the era of violent terrorist extremism in the middle-east and work in earnest to realize a two-state solution and lasting peace.”
