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Rep. Clarke Secures Critical Funds for the 11th Congressional District Of New York

PRESS RELEASE                                                                                                December 18, 2009                                                                                                                                                                       

Washington, D.C.-During the first session of the 111th Congress, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke secured nearly $38 million in federal appropriations dollars for the 11th Congressional District of New York. Rep Clarke released the following statement:

“Through the appropriations process, I have been able to secure nearly $38 million in federal dollars to help revitalize the 11th Congressional District’s economy and enhance the quality of life for Brooklynites. I am proud to have secured these critical funds for my constituents. In addition to creating jobs, these funds will be used by community organizations to provide vital services and resources for Brooklyn’s neediest families. The funds will protect our city from the threat of terrorist attacks and invests in green technology research to reduce our nation’s dependence on fossil fuels,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.

Recipients of the funds include:

•City of New York Police Department: $20,000,000
•Brownsville Community Development Corporation: $400,000
•Central Brooklyn Housing Contractor Association: $150,000
•Brooklyn College: $900,000
•Brooklyn Botanic Garden: $400,000
•Brooklyn Academy of Music: $200,000
•New York’s Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure Coordination Center: $3,000,000
•Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services: $350,000
•Reach Out and Read National Center: $6,000,000
•St. Francis College: $650,000
•The After-School Corporation: $100,000
•Brooklyn Children’s Museum: $250,000
•Community Service Society of New York: $117,500
•Gay Men’s Health Crisis: $1,500,000
•Gowanus Canal Conservancy: $300,000
•New York Junior Tennis League: $100,000
•New York Structural Biology Center: $3,200,000
