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Rep. Clarke Recognizes National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This October marks the 25th anniversary of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance of early breast cancer detection.

“Improving awareness and funding for breast cancer has been a passion of mine for many years. During my service on the New York City Council, I co-chaired the Women’s Caucus, where I helped raise more than $9 million for organizations that address women’s issues – namely breast cancer,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.

Breast cancer will occur in one out of every eight women, making it the second-most common form of cancer for women in the United States. Researchers expect that in 2009, more than 192,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in this country. While these figures are sobering, there are encouraging statistics.

“The death rate for breast cancer has decreased each year since 1990 because of increased awareness, earlier detection through screening, and treatment advances. Although great strides have been made in breast cancer awareness and treatment, there remains much to be accomplished,” added Rep. Clarke. “We must remain dedicated to educating and empowering women to take charge of their own health by knowing the facts about breast cancer.”

Congresswoman Clarke supports educational campaigns to increase public awareness regarding the threats posed by breast cancer to young women. This includes the particular risks faced by certain ethnic and cultural groups, and focuses on awareness of risk factors and achieving early detection through community-centered informational forums, public service advertisements, and media campaigns. Preventative measures, like early detection, are our best weapons in the battle against breast cancer.

“Although October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, breast cancer does not confine itself to a 31-day period. Breast cancer is a daily reality for millions of women and their families. Please take time out this month to familiarize yourself and your loved ones with educational materials and early detection measures. With the proper awareness, breast cancer is a battle that can be won,” concluded Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.
