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Rep. Clarke Hails Passage of Historic Energy Security Legislation

  This measure was approved by a vote of 235 to 181 and will strengthen our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, lowering energy costs, increasing our economy, creating new jobs, and addressing global warming.


“With the price at the pump skyrocketing to nearly $4.00 a gallon here in Brooklyn, Congress has now taken swift and comprehensive action to build an energy independent future for America.”


“Americans are ready to lead the world on clean alternative energy,” said Rep. Clarke.  “Americans are ready to declare energy independence from foreign oil—to strengthen our national security, grow our economy, reduce energy costs, and end global warming.”


“For far too long, Washington has dragged its feet.  It denied the problem.  It has let oil companies and foreign governments call the shots,” said Rep. Clarke.  “The 110th Congress is taking America in a new direction.  Our energy security plan is about reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  Instead we will rely on clean renewable sources found here in the United States, American ingenuity, and on our entrepreneurial can-do spirit.”


The cornerstone of the Energy Independence and Security Act increases the fuel efficiency of vehicles to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. This is the first increase in a generation and is supported by environmentalists, labor groups and the automobile industry (CAFE).  This provision will save American families $700 to $1,000 per year at the pump with $22 billion in net annual consumer savings in 2020.  Here in New York, this provision would create 8,200 jobs and save families $894 million at the pump in 2020.


New York City benefits with the creation of the “New York Liberty Zone” – a tax credit provided to governments for expenditures on transportation projects connected to the area in lower Manhattan around the World Trade Center.


  • Lowers consumer energy costs.  The bill requires for the first time that 15 percent of our electricity come from renewable sources.  Consumers will save $440 billion dollars with landmark new energy efficiency standards through 2030, for a wide range of products such as appliances, lighting and buildings.
  • Creates new jobs.  The bill will create new jobs, with the investment in renewable energy through tax incentives for solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal technologies and cutting-edge energy research, creating good paying jobs in rural communities across the country through a historic commitment to biofuels, training workers for 3 million new “green” jobs over the next 10 years and making small businesses leaders in renewable energy.


  • Strengthens our national security.  The bill will also strengthen our national security by reducing oil consumption by more than 4 million barrels a day in 2030. This will be accomplished through the CAFE standard and a historic commitment to American-grown biofuels.


  • Reduce greenhouse gases.  Overall the bill will reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 35 percent of what is needed by 2030 to save the planet.


“This bipartisan legislation has received strong support from leaders in the business, labor, faith and environmental communities across the nation.   I am proud that my colleagues and I have risen to the occasion, to pass a legislation that will ensure our commitment to make this nation more energy independent.  It is essential to our national, economic, and energy security that we do so.  I hope the President will reconsider his threat to veto this legislation, because all Americans have a stake in our fight for energy, independence and lower energy costs,” urged Rep Clarke.

