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Rep. Clarke Commemorates Caribbean Heritage Month

In commemoration of Caribbean Heritage Month, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke recognizes the contributions Caribbean Americans.  This June marks the second annual celebration of Caribbean Heritage Month.  The original resolution to establish Caribbean Health month was introduced in the House of Representatives in 2005, and passed through both houses by February 2006.  With the passage of House Concurrent Resolution 71, June became Caribbean Heritage Month. 


“Caribbean Heritage month is very near and dear to my heart,” commented Rep. Clarke.  “It gives me great pleasure to honor the legacies and contributions of my fellow Caribbean Americans.”


According to the U.S. Census Bureau data, there are more than 35 million Caribbean Americans in the United States.  The Caribbean population has played an important role in the history of the United States dating as far back to 1619, with the first documented migration of people from the Caribbean to the US. 


Rep. Clarke is a staunch supporter of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Conference being held from June 19, 2007 through June 21, 2007 in Washington, DC. The CARICOM initiative seeks to strengthen trade ties with the United States.  With stronger ties between the US and the Caribbean, opportunities for advancement of mutually beneficial trade and economic relationships, protecting the environment, and the promotion of democracy can evolve.


Rep. Clarke is the daughter of successful Jamaican immigrants.  Rep. Clarke is also honored to represent the generations of Caribbean Americans in central Brooklyn’s 11th Congressional District.
