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Rep. Clarke Celebrates Jamaica’s Independence Day

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement commemorating the 48th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Independence from Great Brittan.

“As a Brooklyn native whose roots are firmly planted in my Jamaican heritage, it is my honor to join Jamaicans everywhere in celebrating Jamaica’s Independence Day. As a child of Jamaican immigrants, I have experienced firsthand the significant role that Jamaicans and Jamaican Americans have played in shaping America’s political and social landscape. This includes the former Secretary of State General Colin L. Powell; the acclaimed Reggae Artist Bob Marley; political activist Marcus Garvey, and many more. Jamaican Americans have made tremendous contributions to American history and fostered good-will towards the Jamaican American community.

“As a Representative of one of the largest Jamaican constituencies in the nation, I fully appreciate the importance of bolstering relations between Jamaica and the United States. I strongly believe that it is within our shared interest that the U.S. encourage the success and prosperity of Jamaica. Again, it is an honor to celebrate the 48th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Independence, and I look forward to celebrating in the festivities throughout the Brooklyn community. One love.”

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