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Rep. Clarke Applauds NY State Board of Regents’ Support of the Education Equity for DREAMers Act


Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement applauding the New York State Board of Regents for supporting the Education Equity for DREAMers Act, legislation that would extend state financial aid to undocumented students.


“I am extremely grateful that the New York State Board of Regents has recommended ‘the Education Equity for DREAMers Act’.  This legislation provides a solution for immigrant students whose ability to participate in our civil society has been undermined by our broken immigration system.  It is clear that the Board of Regents understands the value that these students offer to our nation and New York,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D.  Clarke.


“During the last Congressional Session, Congress failed to enact the DREAM act.  Our federal government’s inaction has convinced some states to take matters into their own hands.  For this reason, on Monday, November 21, I will be traveling to Alabama to participate in an Ad Hoc Hearing led by Congressman Luis Gutierrez.  Along with ten other members of Congress, we will be examining the negative effect Alabama’s harsh new immigration law, HB56 has on this state.  We must continue to fight for an effective way to deal with our broken immigration system, particularly as it relates to students and children. 


“I encourage the New York State legislature to be an example for this nation and take up ‘the Education equity for DREAMers Act.’  Let us counteract some of the counterproductive laws that some states have put into effect and approach immigration reform in a comprehensive way.  There is no doubt that the passage of this bill would be a great victory for New York and this country.  Let us never forget that when we turn our back on those who come to these shores to become American citizens to help build our great nation and to embrace the American Dream, we are turning our backs on ourselves.”


