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House Passes Rep. Yvette D. ClarkeÆs Legislation Supporting National Preparedness Month

Bill Recognizes DHS Workers and First Responders Keeping Our Nation Safe

Today, the House of Representatives passed by unanimous consent H. Res. 731, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Preparedness Month. September marks the sixth of the nationwide to encourage Americans to take simple steps in their homes, businesses and schools to prepare for emergencies of all kinds.

“One of the most important lessons from the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001 and Hurricane Katrina, is that we all must be vigilant about preparing for an emergency,” Clarke stated. “It is important that every American learn how to be vigilant, alert, and prepared for an emergency.”

The resolution commends Department of Homeland Security employees and their partners at all levels of government, as well as the millions of emergency response providers, for their dedicated service on the Nation’s front lines in the war against acts of terrorism.

“I commend DHS employees, our nation’s police officers, firefighters, and the millions of other first responders, like the American Red Cross, for putting themselves at risk to protect Americans from potential terrorist threats and responding to emergencies of all kinds,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. “It is only fitting that the United States Congress recognizes their continued service to our nation on this the last day of National Prepared Month.”

The resolution was cosponsored by Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, Ranking Member Peter King, and received widespread, bipartisan support by Homeland Security Committee members.

“House Resolution 731 encourages citizens to prepare themselves and their families to respond to any emergency–whether it is an act of terror, natural disaster, or other crisis. As a former volunteer firefighter, I know that lives are saved when the public takes steps to prepare for the worst. And as the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, I want the people of this Nation to take the necessary steps to prepare themselves in the event of an emergency,” said Chairman Thompson. “Recent surveys have stated that we have a long way to go as a Nation in preparing our communities for a disaster. National Preparedness Month is one such step toward helping us achieve that goal.”

“In light of the recently foiled terror plots across the country, it is important that we recognize the employees of DHS, our nation’s first responders, and state and local law enforcement who work so hard keep our communities safe,” said Ranking Member King. “I am happy to support H. Res. 731, marking September as National Preparedness Month and honoring those brave men and women on the front lines of securing our country. Because of their hard work, America has not been attacked since the devastating terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, recent events in New York City, Dallas, Texas and Springfield, Illinois serve as a reminder that we must always be prepared and remain vigilant in the fight against terror.”

Earlier this month, Rep. Clarke chaired a Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology, field hearing in Brooklyn, NY. During the hearing, Clarke heard from New York Police Department, as well as state and federal agencies on interagency efforts to secure our nation from potential terrorist threats.

“I am working closely with our first responders, government agencies, and counterterrorism experts to ensure our local, state, and federal governments are coordinating their efforts to fully address our Homeland Security needs,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. I must recognize the good work of the New York Police Department for their exemplary efforts to secure our city and our region from acts of terrorism.”
