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Today, Rep. Clarke voted to invest in top priority homeland security programs that will keep Americans safe. The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act passed the House by a vote of 307-114.

“The security of this nation is priority number one,” said Rep. Clarke. “This legislation provides critical funding to secure our borders, train our local first responders and safeguard the American people.”

Rep. Clarke, chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology secured $3 million for the Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center Program (MS-ISAC). Created by New York State’s Cyber Security Office in 2003, MS-ISAC works to improve the cyber posture of all state and local governments. This funding will provide direct network traffic monitoring and intrusion detection and prevention for four states, as well as cyber threat and vulnerability analysis, incident response support, and outreach and education for all states and local governments.

“I am proud to be able to secure these funds which will help states address cybersecurity vulnerabilities, which can significantly impact our national and economic security,” said Rep. Clarke. MS-ISAC Director Will Pelgrin is doing a tremendous job providing cyber incident response to their membership. Clarke added, “October is cybersecurity awareness month, and it is important to note that the MS-ISAC is also helping to lead the charge to promote cybersecurity awareness amongst state and local governments.”

Rep Clarke also helped secure language in the House-Senate conference report to provide $20 million for the invest in Securing the Cities Initiative (STC).

“The Securing the Cities program is another essential counterterrorism tool used to keep New York and hundreds of cities across the nation safe from any potential nuclear threats. That’s why I will continue to fight next year to ensure that Congress fully funds this program, which gives our first responders the resources they need to combat and prevent potential threats,” stated Congresswoman Clarke.

The bill also boosts our efforts to increase the security along our borders. There are additional investments to combat the violence, drug smuggling and weapons smuggling currently occurring on our Southwest Border. The legislation will provide our first responders with the equipment and training they need to keep our communities safe. It includes over $3 billion in grants for local municipalities to protect critical infrastructure in high-threat areas, help local fire departments and upgrade central command facilities.

Our local firefighters, police officers and emergency medical personnel are our first line of defense in an emergency. They must have the best training and equipment to keep our communities safe,” said Rep. Clarke. “The grants and programs in this bill give our first responders the tools and resources they need to protect us in case of an emergency.”

In addition, the bill makes investments to improve aviation security, port security and transit security. Among the many important programs, these funds will be used to purchase and install the latest explosive detection systems at airports nationwide and develop and deploy systems to screen cargo containers for weapons and nuclear materials.

“This legislation protects Americans and prepares our nation for 21st century security challenges,” said Rep. Clarke. “It allows us to better prevent threats and attacks, prepare and plan for emergencies and invest in our response capacities to safeguard our citizens.”
