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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on The Death of Percy Sutton

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on the passing of Percy Sutton:

“Percy Sutton was a political pioneer and trailblazer for New York City. His passing marks an end to an era of political influence and his contributions to this nation are endless. He served our nation as a Tuskegee Airman, civil rights activist, New York Assemblyman, Manhattan Borough President and entrepreneur. In the 1950’s, he was best known as the attorney for Malcolm X and boxer Sugar Ray Robinson.

“He paved the way for black politicians like myself though his influence in New York City along with the ‘Gang of Four,’ which comprised of Sutton, the former Mayor David Dinkins, Rep. Charlie Rangel, former New York Secretary of State Basil Paterson, the father of current governor David Paterson.

“His call to public service and love for his community can best be seen through his efforts to revitalize the Apollo Theater, a world renowned theater which showcased our nation’s top African American performers.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Sutton family. It is clear that his legacy has had a major impact on New York politics and this nation. He will be deeply missed.”
