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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on the Republican 2012 Budget Proposal

Washington, DC – Yesterday, the House Budget Committee Chairman U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan released the House Republicans budget proposal for FY 2012.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on the Republican budget proposal:

“This Republican budget proposal not only continues, but aggressively escalates the majority’s assault on the middle-class, those striving to be in the middle-class and the most vulnerable amongst us.  This plan is not only irresponsible, but dangerous for the future of our great nation,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.

The Republican Budget Proposal;

        • Ends Medicare as we know it and slashes support for seniors in nursing homes;
        • Includes irresponsible tax cuts that, according to the non-partisan     
          Congressional Budget Office (CBO), will increase the public debt by 3 
           percent  if  there were no action at all;
        • Cuts education for children and raises college cost for nearly 10 million students;
        • Repeals the landmark healthcare law passed last year; and much more.

“The most discouraging part of this proposal is that it cuts taxes for the wealthiest a further 10 percent, adding $1 trillion to the deficit.  This speaks to the skewed priorities of the Republican party; making it clear that the working poor, middle class, and aspiring middle class are being economically disenfranchised,” added Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. 

“As the budget process unfolds, know that I will continue to fight on behalf of many of my constituents to stop this clear attack on our nation’s most vulnerable.  It is a clear moral imperative that we empower our citizens as we address our deficit,” concluded Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.
