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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on Passage of a Short-Term Continuing Resolution

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement after the passage of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2608, Continuing Appropriations Act. This legislation keeps the government running up until November 18 and provides $2.65 billion for FY 2012 disaster assistance: 

“Today, I voted in support of this short-term continuing resolution.  I am grateful that my colleagues in the Senate were able to send a clean bill over to the House, dropping provisions that would cut jobs and require cuts to other parts of the budget, known as offsets, in order to provide disaster relief funds,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.  “With New York still recovering from the damage caused by Hurricane Irene, it was imperative that disaster aid was made available to keep relief organizations running.”

Historically, lawmakers from both parties have agreed to provide emergency funds for disaster victims without offsets.  Under the administration of former President George W. Bush, Congress has responded to hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, and other disasters with emergency funding eight times.

“While we have found a way to pass this continuing resolution, it is important that Congress work together to create jobs rather then cut them.  The time for ideological games must come to an end. Our economy cannot afford for this Congress to wait any longer to take action on passing a jobs bill.  I will continue to fight for legislation that will address the rising rates of unemployment across this nation.  The American people deserve a functioning Congress that will address job creation,” concluded Congresswoman Clarke.
