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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on August’s Job Report


Washington, D.C. –Today, the Department of Labor released August’s jobs report which indicates the economy did not add any new jobs.  New York City’s unemployment remained at 8.7 percent.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement:

“These job numbers are absolutely unacceptable.  Throughout the August recess, the overwhelming cry from my constituents has been for Congress to make job creation its number one priority.  People continue to struggle through this economic downturn and it is past time to put their interest before partisan gamesmanship. 

“I am encouraged the President Barack Obama will be presenting a jobs plan before Congress next week, but Congress needs to work in a bi-partisan fashion to create, support and pass job growth legislation.  With more deficit reduction cuts to come, let us not lose sight of the fact that economic stability is in the best interest of every American.  Ideological grandstanding does not help people get back to work.  Know that I will continue to push for job creation and the protection of vital social safety net programs that protect our nation’s working poor and aspiring middle class.”

