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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement Honoring Veterans Day

In honor of our veterans and troops who have defended our nation throughout the years, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement to commemorate Veterans Day:

“During this time, our nation reflects on the life and legacy of our brave men and women in uniform, who have proudly served and protected our country on the frontlines.  I am humbled by the opportunity to observe this day by honoring those who defended our freedoms.  We will forever be indebted to their contributions to our nation,” stated Congresswoman Clarke.  “Veterans Day comes soon after President Obama’s announcement that our military engagement in Iraq will finally end.  We continue to pray and honor the deeds of our military in Afghanistan and those around the world, which represent the best our nation has to offer by their actions and commitment to justice.”

“Unfortunately, our veterans are coming home to a job crisis. For this reason, I along with Representatives Peter King, Eliot Engel, Carolyn Maloney, Ed Towns, Michael Grimm and Joe Crowley will hold a forum for veterans who want to start or grow a small business in New York City,” added Congresswoman Clarke.  “As a Member of the House Small Business Committee, I understand that small businesses are the economic engines of our country.  It is time that we protect and bolster our veteran –owned small businesses.”

The forum will take place on Saturday, December 10th at Brooklyn Borough Hall, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. It will include presentations by federal agencies, elected officials, and local veteran small business owners on how to gain access to capital, procurement and the technical assistance programs that are available to start or grow a small business. 

“On Veterans Day, let us continue to honor the soldiers who risked their lives for us.  Just as the military pledges to leave no soldier behind on the battlefield, we must not leave any veterans behind when they come home. Know that I will continue to honor them by supporting legislation that provides them with the benefits they deserve,” concluded Congresswoman Clarke. 
