Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke Recognizes Haitian Flag Day
Today, Representative Yvette D. Clarke introduced H.Res.1367, a resolution recognizing the goals and ideals of Haitian Flag Day.
“In the aftermath of the January 12, earthquake, over 200,000 people were killed, millions displaced and the nation’s physical, political and social infrastructure devastated. As we celebrate Haitian- American Heritage Month, especially Haitian Flag Day, we recognize that Haiti is at the advent of a new era. Now more than ever, Haitians turn to their flag for inspiration and a triumphant resolve, as they unite to rebuild their country,” stated Rep. Clarke.
The primary symbol of Haitian freedom and solidarity, the birth of their nation.Haiti’s flag was created on May 18, 1803 in Arcahaie, a small town just outside of Port-Au-Prince. Since then, Haitians have observed May 18th as Haitian Flag Day, a major national holiday. On Flag Day, Haitians pay tribute to the heroes of Haiti’s history, including Toussaint L’ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Alexandre Pètion, and Capois La Mort.
Original co-sponsors include: Chairman John Conyers (MI), Chairman Bob Filner (CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX), Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX), Rep. Hank Johnson (GA), Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI), Rep. Barbara Lee (CA), Rep. Michael McMahon (NY), Rep. Kendrick Meek (FL), Rep. Donald Payne (NJ), Rep. Charlie Rangel (NY), Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA), and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL).
Haitian Flag Day is a major Haitian national holiday celebrated with great fanfare on the grounds of the national palace and all cities in the country; it is also celebrated in other countries with large Haitian populations, such as the United States.
“The people of Haiti, Haitian-Americans and the Haitian Diaspora are forever guided by the words etched indelibly on the Haitian flag, ‘L’Union fait la force’…through unity, there is strength!” concluded Congresswoman Clarke.