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Congresswoman Clarke’s Statement on Donald Trump’s Proposed Budget

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09), member of the Small Business Committee, released the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s proposed budget:

“During the campaign, Donald Trump pledged that he would help America’s forgotten men and women, but his budget does just the opposite. If enacted, Donald Trump’s bizarre budget would leave millions of Americans worse off in a direct assault on our country’s middle class.

His budget would devastate working families, while at the same time lavishing extravagant favors on his millionaire and billionaire friends.

This budget—together with Paul Ryan’s sham healthcare bill—make it clear that Republicans’ top priority is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while taking vital services away from everyone else.”

LOWLIGHTS – Trump’s Budget will:

  • CUT Health and Human Services funding by 18 percent ($15.1 B).
  • ELIMINATE Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Program.
  • DESTROY jobs by eliminating funding for infrastructure investment.