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Congresswoman Clarke Votes Against S.J. Res. 34

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on S.J. Res. 34, a proposal that would overrule privacy and data security rules created by the Federal Communications Commission requiring broadband and wireless internet service providers to obtain consent before collecting or selling sensitive information on users. The bill passed 215 to 205. Congresswoman Clarke voted “no.”

“We now depend on the Internet to manage our finances, communicate with our friends and family members, and for many other personal activities. We have a right to expect that broadband and wireless internet service providers will respect our privacy, and not disclose sensitive information about us without our consent. With this proposal from the Republicans, that right has been obliterated. Anyone who is willing to pay will have the ability to access our information, and we will not have any opportunity to know who has accessed the information and for what purpose. S.J. Res. 34 fails to reflect the concerns of most Americans, who want to keep their private information private. I am deeply concerned that, in addition to the potential for companies to market their products based on this information, individuals with sinister intentions will also have access to our browser histories and log-in times. These are serious concerns that the Republicans have failed to adequately address.”


