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Congresswoman Clarke Opposes Trumpcare Bill

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement on the American Health Care Act (known as “Trumpcare.”)

If enacted, Trumpcare would have eliminated many of the most important provisions of the Affordable Care Act, such as maternity care, preventive care, guaranteed prescription drug coverage, the expansion of the Medicaid program, limits on premium increases for older adults, and shortening the life of the Medicare Trust Fund, which would ransack funds that seniors depend on to get the long-term care they need.

“For seven years, Republicans have told the American people that their healthcare plan would bring down costs, offer better care, and protect consumers. None of those promises are true. Instead, Donald Trump and the Republicans are trying to impose a plan that would force working families to pay more for less health care to provide massive tax cuts for the wealthy. This sham bill never should have been introduced. When I worked with President Obama to enact the Affordable Care Act, we started with the principle that every American has a right to comprehensive, affordable health care. Today, that right has been undermined. But we will not stop fighting. I will continue to stand up – and act up – in Congress to secure health care access for every family in the United States, and work with members of the Senate to prevent Trumpcare from ruining our health care.”
