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August 12, 2022



c: 347.387.5123

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) issued the following statement regarding vote in favor of passing the Inflation Reduction Act.:

“Though the journey to today has been challenging, I am at long last elated to know the change Americans need and demand has arrived. For communities of color, our seniors, pregnant and postpartum people, individuals and families living with low incomes, and all others who long borne the brunt of too many hardships to list, the Inflation Reduction Act represents the vital initial steps they have so long and desperately awaited. As the largest-ever investment from Congress to fight the climate crisis, this legislation will directly prevent thousands of premature deaths by improving air quality in densely populated communities with high environmental justice needs. When coupled with commonsense reforms that will allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and cap out-of-pocket costs, and additional Affordable Care Act subsidies which will lower health care premiums for millions of Americans, its passage became entirely imperative,” said Congresswoman Clarke.

“Thanks to the hard work and ceaseless resolve of President Biden, my colleagues in Congress, and every individual who took seriously their duty to fight tooth and nail to better the lives of every American under our care, our pursuit of progress has never been stronger. This monumental, generational investment in our nation’s future will lower prescription drug and energy costs, extend health coverage for millions of Americans, and deliver vital resources in our stand against the climate crisis, all while creating millions of well-paying American jobs for our nation’s most underserved and disadvantaged communities. I am proud and privileged to have cast my vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, and I look forward to President Biden’s signing of it into law.”

The Inflation Reduction Act funds numerous Clarke priorities in the 117th Congress, including:

Electric Vehicles

  • $4000 consumer tax credits for low and middle-income households to buy clean vehicles; and up to $7000 for households under a certain income threshold who purchase new ones.
  • $2 billion in grants to update existing auto manufacturing facilities to manufacture clean vehicles
  • Through her Electric Vehicles for Underserved Communities Act, the Congresswoman advocated for the distribution of publicly accessible charging infrastructure and charging stations in multi-unit housing, such as public and affordable housing. These investments will ensure all communities are able to participate in the electric vehicle future, by making these vehicles more affordable.

Clean Energy

  • Tax credits and grants for clean fuels and clean commercial vehicles to reduce emissions within the transportation sector.
  • $27 billion clean energy technology accelerator to support deployment of technologies to reduce emissions in historically underserved communities.
  • $9 billion for Federal procurement of American-made clean tech, including $3 billion for USPS to buy zero-emissions vehicles.
  • $1 billion for clean heavy-duty vehicles such as school buses, public transportation buses, etc.
  • Through her FREEZER Trucks Act, the Congresswoman advocated for the electrification of refrigerated trucks that transport food, which emit large amounts of diesel pollution because they run throughout the day and night.

 Environmental Justice & Climate Justice

  • $3 billion for neighborhood access and equity grants for equitable transportation planning, community engagement activities, and
  • $3 billion for Environmental Justice/Climate Justice Block Grants for community-led projects that aim to address the environmental and public health harms related to pollution and climate change
  • Through her Climate Justice Act, the Congresswoman advocated establishing a Climate Justice Working Group composed of representatives from federal agencies, community organizations, cities, states, etc. with the mission of helping the country make a just and equitable transition towards a clean, climate-resilient, and zero-emission economy. 


Yvette D. Clarke has been in Congress since 2007. She represents New York’s Ninth Congressional District, which includes Central and South Brooklyn. Clarke is a Senior Member of both the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Committee on Homeland Security, where she serves as Chair of the Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation Subcommittee.
