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December 1, 2022



c: 347.387.5123

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) issued the following statement regarding her election to First Vice-Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus:

“I’d like to thank my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), my Sisters and Brothers, each of whom I am blessed to serve with in the 118th Session of Congress for their support in my elevation to First Vice-Chair of our beloved CBC. Serving on the Executive Committee of the Congressional Black Caucus in the 118th Congress is more than a privilege, but an obligation that I do not take lightly. Each new Congress presents an opportunity for our 60 member strong Caucus to advance legislation and policy to address the myriad of persistent inequities that continue to impact Black communities across our country. Before us, today, countless new dimensions to these historic challenges continue to confront Congress, and we as a Caucus must remain vigilant if we are to overcome them. I have no doubt the dynamic talent and capabilities of our new Executive Committee will drive this truly extraordinary and remarkable caucus towards unseen heights and untold possibilities, from within the U.S. Congress and beyond, into the many beloved communities that are integral to the strengthening and growth of our nation. I have no doubt that our members will continue to build upon the success of our predecessors, support and uplift the causes so vital to the advancement of people of African-decent,” said Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke.

“Much in our nation and our Congress has changed since the days of bold and audacious actions from the likes of Shirley Chisholm and Charlie Rangel when they, alongside 11 of their Congressional colleagues, established the Congressional Black Caucus. What has not changed and will forever endure is the mission of this Caucus. For decades, we have provided a voice to the voiceless and a platform for the marginalized. Though the vast majority of our members will find ourselves in the Minority in this upcoming Congress, and though we are certain to face relentless obstruction, the mission will endure. And ultimately, as long as we stay the course, we will prevail. I firmly believe that before us stands nothing but opportunity: the opportunity to lift up and advance policy that provides new opportunities for never-before-seen economic growth. The opportunity to liberate the disenfranchised from the shackles of their marginalization, voter disenfranchisement and a broken immigration system. The opportunity to create pathways and corridors towards their prosperity. Despite any political roadblocks, barricades and obstacles to our progress, those facts remain absolute. In the months to come, I look forward to supporting the leadership and the work of Chairman Steven Horsford as First Vice-Chair during the 118th Congress. Today, as I prepare to once again take on the mantle of leadership within the CBC, I remain ever mindful that our Caucus is the Conscious of the Congress. My commitment to Black People, and the communities from which they hail is unwavering and rooted in the ethos established by my predecessor and founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus, the late Honorable Shirley Chisholm. It’s a pledge that has long guided my career and my own life: to remain unbought, and unbossed.”


Yvette D. Clarke has been in Congress since 2007. She represents New York’s Ninth Congressional District, which includes Central and South Brooklyn. Clarke is a Senior Member of both the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Committee on Homeland Security, where she serves as Chair of the Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation Subcommittee.