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Congresswoman Clarke Condemns Job-Destroying Trumpcare Plan

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement on a report from the Center for American Progress which found that the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare) would destroy almost two million American jobs by 2022.

“We already knew the threat of the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare) to health care access, ending insurance coverage for than twenty-four million Americans, eliminating reproductive health care choices, and gutting Medicaid and many community-based health care programs. Now we also know the consequences for our economy, with an estimate of nearly two million jobs lost by 2022.

“Under the leadership of President Obama, the country recovered from the Great Recession—returning millions of people to work, lowering the unemployment rate, and encouraging more than seventy consecutive months of private sector job growth.

“Donald Trump promised to be a ‘Jobs President,’ and it appears that he will not fulfill that promise. Americans did not vote to lose their jobs, lose their health care, or turn back to clock on our economic growth. And the American people certainly did not vote for more tax breaks for millionaire and billionaire CEOs.

“I will continue to resist Donald Trump and his awful priorities for the United States.”
