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Congresswoman Clarke Condemns Donald Trump’s “Revised” Muslim Ban

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on Donald Trump’s revised executive order barring entry to the United States for the predominantly Muslims nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
“The ‘revised’ Muslim Ban from Donald Trump remains as unconstitutional – and unwise – as its predecessor. His basic philosophy of divide-and-conquer and otherization attempts to deny the promise of America to people across the world based on their religion . I continue to reject this misrepresentation of people who are our neighbors, families who have invited us into their hearts and homes, and whom we know as friends. There are many Muslims whose contributions to our civil society are enormous, and whose rights we cannot and must not be denied.

“Judges who ruled on Donald Trump’s initial Muslim Ban were unanimous in holding that its restrictions were likely unconstitutional, a violation of the principle that the United States government cannot lawfully disfavor the members of any religion. I am confident that federal judges will find this ‘revision,’ which has the same problem, similarly flawed. It is also worth noting once again that the individuals who have engaged in terrorist activities against our nation and her people were not nationals from the countries targeted by Mr Trump’s ban. It is up to all people of good will to continue to resist the hatred and zenophobia that he is peddling. In the meantime, I want the families I represent in Brooklyn to know that I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the fight against hate. We will never surrender our values. We will never abandon our neighbors.”


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