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WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement following the U.S.  Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Trump administration to enforce its Muslim ban. The decision allows the government to continue enforcement of the ban against anyone without a recognized relationship with another person or an institution in the United States.

“Donald Trump introduced the Muslim ban to discriminate based upon the religion of people entering the United States, as he has stated on many occasions during and after his campaign for the Presidency. That fact, by itself, should have rendered the Muslim ban unconstitutional. History will look back on this decision as one where the Supreme Court clearly endorsed religious discrimination. This decision joins Shelby County, Korematsu, and Dred Scott on the list of Supreme Court rulings our nation will look on with a sense of shame.

“Muslim-Americans and Muslim immigrants seeking to become Americans, are and have been a significant part of the rich fabric of our communities and civil society. Our country was founded upon the virtue of religious freedom and has stood as a beacon of hope to those fleeing religious persecution. Today’s decision has contradicted this long held virtue and is a regression in substance and in form. Furthermore, this decision puts the religious liberty of millions of Americans at risk. It says that even when an administration is clearly anti-Muslim, advertises and relishes in its attacks on Muslims, and puts a policy in place that specifically hurts Muslims – that this Supreme Court will let it stand. If this can happen to Muslims, a religious minority, it can happen to anyone.

“It is now up to people of goodwill to stand up. It’s up to the American people to make their preferences known. We must elect a Congress that will be a check on this destructive and mean-spirited presidency. We need strong leaders who will hold this president and his administration accountable.”

