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Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement regarding New York Attorney General James’ announcement that several New York nursing home facilities are under investigation for their COVID-19 response:

Today NY Attorney General Letitia James announced her office is releasing a report on allegations of fraud and neglect in the COVID-19 responses of several NY nursing homes. Many of these facilities operate for profit and were found to have a shortage of staff and personal protective equipment (PPE,) putting their patients and associates at increased risk for COVID-19 infection. Further, several facilitates have allegedly undercounted COVID-19 deaths by as much as 50 percent and failed to adhere to infection control protocols. These actions of non-compliance with essential health and safety standards likely led to increased mortality rates  and infections among already vulnerable populations.  

“We are judged by how we treat our most vulnerable. This is especially true during a devastating pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen. By disregarding laws designed to protect public health — to cut costs and gain profit — those responsible for managing these non-compliant facilities are complicit. My office supports every measure to ensure justice is served,” said Clarke.

This investigation is ongoing and involves more than 20 nursing homes throughout New York. The report released on January 28th details the findings thus far and can be found here. 

Attorney General James asks all with concerns regarding nursing homes that fail to adhere to infection control protocols in New York State to file a complaint to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit here. 


Yvette D. Clarke has been in Congress since 2007. She represents New York’s Ninth Congressional District, which includes Central and South Brooklyn. Clarke is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and a senior member of the Committee on Homeland Security.

Media Contact: Remmington Belford