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Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09), Founder and Chair of the Congressional Racial Disparities Working Group, released the following statement applauding the Biden-Harris Executive Action combatting Racial Disparities which aligns with her efforts to champion substantive racial equity measures. 

The Biden-Harris Administration issued several Racial Equity related executive orders.

These efforts include: 

  • Ending the Trump administration’s 1776 Commission, which released a report distorting the role of slavery.
  • Revoking the Trump Administration’s executive order limiting federal agencies, contractors, and other institutions to hold diversity and inclusion training. 
  • Directing agencies to review and report on equity in their ranks within 200 days, including a plan to remove barriers to opportunities in policies and programs. 
  • Working to ensure Americans of all backgrounds have equal access to federal government resources, benefits and services.
  • Reinforcing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requiring the federal government to halt discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. 

“The Biden-Harris Administration efforts prioritize the importance of racial equity and are supports historically marginalized and underserved communities with substantive legislative measures. As the founder of the  Congressional Racial Disparities Working Group, I look forward to continuing my efforts to combat the crisis of racial disparities with the support of the Administration,” said Clarke.  

Clarke, who is the founder and chair of the Congressional Racial Disparities Working Group, has championed a myriad of strategic efforts that work to correct and combat racial inequities in this nation, such as:  

  • Introducing the No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act, which prohibits owners of federally assisted rental units from using facial recognition, physical biometric recognition, or remote biometric recognition technology in any units, buildings, or grounds project.
  • Writing a letter to express serious concerns regarding reports of an endemic culture of racism and discrimination at the CDC.
  • Introducing legislation that highlights the history and lasting impact of the Federal Government-created problem of redlining and emphasizes the Federal Government’s responsibility to address such implications.
  • Meeting with CDC leadership to discuss minority health issues during the pandemic and employee complaints within the agency about racial tensions and discrimination.
  • Chairing the Congressional Multimedia Caucus, which is dedicated to diversity and inclusion issues in the media, telecom, and tech industries. 
  • Introducing legislation that addresses the persistent wealth gap in the United States between the wealthy and the vast majority of Americans, a gap that significantly impacts communities of color.
  • Writing a letter to the Biden-Harris Transition Team addressing the undoing systems of institutionalized racism and repairing the harm it has caused, especially to Black women and girls, after the death of Dr. Susan Moore.
  • Introducing legislation that requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to assess the state of, challenges to, and opportunities for the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in urban areas, particularly in underserved or disadvantaged communities.
  • Introducing legislation establishing a National Commission to Investigate the Treatment of Migrant Families and Children By the Trump Administration within the legislative branch.
  • Directing commercial entities to conduct assessments of high-risk systems that involve personal information or make automated decisions, such as systems that use artificial intelligence or machine learning. Specifically, high-risk automated decision systems include those that may contribute to inaccuracy, bias, or discrimination.
  • Meeting with Johnson & Johnson to discuss their vaccine development efforts and their new health equity initiatives.

“Repealing harmful practices that advance racial disparities domestically and globally is imperative. While there is still much work to be done, I remain dedicated to championing this issue. As we look forward to legislative agendas enacted under democratic control, the future is bright,” said Clarke. 


Yvette D. Clarke has been in Congress since 2007. She represents New York’s Ninth Congressional District, which includes Central and South Brooklyn. Clarke is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and a senior member of the Committee on Homeland Security.

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