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Rep. Clarke Holds Press Conference

  The press conference will be held on Monday, June 4, 2007, at Rep. Clarke’s District Office located at 123 Linden Blvd., Linden Hall – 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY at 3pm.  As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security with a significant Caribbean immigrant population, Rep. Clarke will discuss the need for greater cooperation with the Caribbean on homeland security, immigration and fostering a symbiotic relationship that treats our neighbors in our hemisphere as partners to secure the region.


“I commend the efforts of New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, U.S. Attorney Roslynn Mauskopf, Mark Mershon of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and other federal and local officials that thwarted this unconscionable plot,” stated Rep. Clarke.  “I look forward to working with Homeland Security Chairman Thompson to engage representatives of the U.S. and Caribbean governments and discuss ways to strategically address these pertinent issues in a manner that prevents any adverse impact on the law abiding Caribbean Americans that are an essential and vibrant part of our community.”


The terrorist plot to blow up the jet fuel at JFK airport by individuals from Trinidad and Guyana is a demonstration of the seriousness for a conversation with our neighbors.  As a result, Rep. Clarke has invited representatives from the government of Trinidad and Guyana, members from the Committee on Homeland Security, local and federal law enforcement and elected officials to ensure the community, particularly those immigrants here legally, that cooperation and good police work led to thwarting the terror plot and not profiling of particular individuals. 


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