Rep. Clarke Visits Haiti
Seeks Long Term Solutions for Devastated Country
Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke participated in a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) to Haiti in order to assess the impact of the ongoing relief effort and analyze the prospect for future development.
Other Members of Congress that joined the CODEL included: Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D, CA-16), Rep. David Dreier (R, CA-26), Rep. Elliott Engel (D, NY-17) Rep. Donald Payne (D, NJ-10), Rep. David Price (D, NC-04), Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D, IL-09), Rep. Diaz Balart , (FL-25), and Rep. Al Green (D, TX-09).
Upon her return, Clarke released the following statement about her observations:
“After witnessing firsthand the destruction caused by the January 12th earthquake, it is clear that we must continue to work alongside the Haitian government to rectify social and economic problems facing Haiti. I have spent considerable time speaking with Haitian leaders and citizens alike. We must develop a long term strategy in order to foster sustainable development in the devastated nation.
“As a Representative of the second largest Haitian immigrant population in the United States, this devastation has hit close to home for many of my constituents. I am examining avenues to provide Haiti with more than just humanitarian relief. The U.S. must develop long term rebuilding efforts, reunite Haitian families, and create sustainable economic opportunities for all Haitians to enjoy. I look forward to working closely with the Haitian government, the Obama Administration, my colleagues in the Congress, and my constituents to create long term solutions for Haiti.”